OK what's the point people really? Some comments run very true on both sides, there are no jobs for graduates and accountability needs to be seen. But on the real, how did you graduates pay for college? Pell Grants (ie govt money), Student Loans (ie bank money). How about the major fact, why were you in college in the first place? Oh yeah the economy fell out and there were no jobs years ago! If you cant get a job create a market for the job, meaning START YOUR OWN BUSINESS and contribute, this creates jobs! For you and all your friends. Guess what else will be gone if the banks are gone... Welfare! Thats right, what will all you handout recieving people do then? I am willing to bet that most of you protestors are recieving some kind of govt assistance.
For the real, maybe you should have chosen a better major in college than what you did, I mean basket weaving does not make a marketable trade. If you really want corporate America to bring jobs here than buy products that are only manufactured and packaged in the USA. Its not hard people, if you start doing that I bet companies that are profit driven will begin to make goods here again.
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