Sunday, August 7, 2011

Problems: A look at America

I sit here and think of things that are going on in America today, plenty of information and dis-information is fed through the various media outlets how does one determine right from wrong.

Well the answer is far more easier than thought, the first major problem is exactly what Regan discussed in his first presidency. Government in America is getting to big and sticking too many fingers in the various pots of the world. Now before anyone gets upset, I will contend that some government oversight is necessary to protect the citizens of the land, but not the levels that are currently operating.

We just experienced a major dis function in what was happening with the debt ceiling. Yes the threats were there that if an agreement was not reached then many programs like social security for the elderly and soldiers pay would be stopped or cut. But honestly! What American living here would allow that to happen?

The largest population inhabiting America, the "Baby Boomers" as they are termed are begin to retire. They are the largest population retiring ever in our history. With all that understood, is it reasonable to think they would allow the govt' threats to come to life? No.

Lets step aside for a minute and look at what should be cut...

Cut #1 How about the pay of the elected representatives across all governmental bodies? They vote their pay scale and they should be subject like any other corporation in society. If you fail to achieve your goals, you are fired or demoted. Now that sounds harsh, so lets just say they have the right ideas to fix things. They are elected for a reason that they are semi intelligent I hope. So cut their pay as a punishment that would be motivation for any person to get the money they feel they deserve, by making them work for it.

Cut #2 There are far to many handout programs that are being abused and wasted. I'm not saying to cut them out completely, but lets regulate them more internally rather than create another faucet of wasteful spending. Start by regulating welfare, the argument has been made over and over that welfare recipients should give urine analysis to receive welfare (I agree). Lets stop the increase of funding for families to just stay home and produce more children, cut that money back and then transfer the funding over to job retraining avenues. This will produce far more productive workers rather than welfare recipients. A saying that I remember from church was "Give a man a fish he eats for the day. Teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime."

Cut #3This is simple, its not so much a cut but rather a punishment to large companies. Lets think for a minute the largest problem that is occurring in America today, unemployment. This really is an easy fix fellow Americans, make companies clearly label products made in America, and then on that same note any company that decides to outsource more than 50% of their product to be produced in other countries to label "not made in America". Than lets give any companies that maintain manufacturing and production in America a huge tax break advantage (huge!). This will incentive companies to keep the production of goods here and employing more Americans.

Cut #4 OK this one may take some people by offense (i.e. Liberal Democrats) make exportation of our goods an equal weight system. For example a bushel of wheat vs. a barrel of oil. Stop giving away goods to countries and rather send Americans over to train the people how to cultivate their own goods and make them stronger from within their own infrastructure. I cant understand the desire of handouts, it just cripples the human nature to be strong and leaders. So if you read #4 properly I'm not saying to stop foreign aid, I'm suggesting changing the program.

Cut #5 This last idea may seem to appear to be socialistic in nature but it is not, I believe that it is beneficial in many ways for the future generations to be strong and knowledgeable. Lets stop all teen working programs, no more work permits for students. They only job a child should have is the job of being a learned and studious person. Schooling is most important and I'm sorry to say that as a nation we are still failing miserably. Lets give better incentives to go to college and get that degree, but if it is chosen they do not want to go to college than fine they may enter the workforce after high school. On the note of schools, does anyone really know why we have summer vacations? I really don't, lets for example take after the Chinese when it comes to schooling, make it year round. The increase work will increase teachers pay and will make the students more brilliant by not losing all the stuff they may have learned the year before during summer. Summer vacation was instituted years ago so the children of a farmer could help him with harvesting, I think advances in technology and laborers eliminates that need anymore.

We need to start being accountable for our own country and stop pointing the finger of blame, if you don't like the way things are going do something about it! I am trying to help make changes for what I think is better. I will admit maybe on some avenues I could be wrong, but I know the current path of spending is not helping or changing anything!

America The Beautiful! America The Strong!

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