Friday, August 5, 2011

Destructive Actions< A must read!!!

So walking on campus today and a man is there passing out pamplet books, but also asking for donation to cover the cost of these printings. Ok so I of course looking for a debate as entertainment get intrigued.
But than something catches my eye...I notice something weird in how he is holding the book, his fingers covering parts almost intentionally to block words on the cover. I ask questions to gain insight of what this guy is doing here...
Yes the guy was cordial, but deffinately got more agitated as I asked my questions. Well I will tell you the inside part now and let you all know that are my friends why I had an enjoyment and disgusting day.
The gentleman was peddling programs of the "Socialist Equality Party" thats right Karl Marx in modern day form!!!
And the balls to ask for a donation, I asked him "shouldnt the socialism approach to forced labor cover the costs of printing your programs?"
Anyways needless to say, I got bored with this uneducated fool fast, I asked a simple question that he couldnt answer honestly, well honestly I asked 2 questions, but we will get to the second in a minute.
First question: "In a world where someone has to profit in some way, how is it better to remove free market and free enterprise that we currently live in (well shortly if Obama keeps going) from any person that has the drive and ambition to do it away, to a socialistic government body that passes the bread and soup around while the socialist fat cats reap all the wealth?"
-His Answer: "Its all equal everyone shares in the distribution, we all become a co-op..." (hahaha, lol, roflmfao)
Are you serious dude!! There is always the exploiters and the sheeple...
On to the second question: It gets better: I asked:
"How do you expect a program that miserably failed in other parts of the world (i.e. Soviet Union, Pre WW@ Italy, etc.) to actually work in the USA and in todays society?" "People are more informed and fighters than 40 years ago..."
His response: "It didnt fail there, they are truly succesful, they failed when they changed the ideology and became dictatorships or communistic"
WTF! are you stupid? whats the difference?
At this point I left, I didnt buy his propoganda, but as I went inside to get lunch I noticed some poor fool left a copy on the table next to me, so after it sat there for awhile unattended, I took it... Its quite a poor, pathetic, and yet entertaining read.. Especially how the program reveers Karl Marx as a great hero and inspirational man (insert vomit here)....
-Remember on a side note, I dont hinder anyones ability to free speech, you may not agree and in some ways you just may agree, feel free to comment, I encourage it, helps in understanding. I even know the opposite side of the dangerous extreme left like the dangerous extreme right (facism) We all have our bad eggs in the basket, some just smell worse than others, haha lol

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